20 Euro Gift Card - Battle.NET - EU ONLY 20 Euro Gift Card - Battle.NET - EU ONLY
Дата публикации: 12.03.2023

20 Euro Gift Card - Battle.NET - EU ONLY


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Battle.net Gift Card 20 EUR
As one of the most beloved game publishers in the world, Blizzard has a lot to offer to their players. Buy Battle.net gift card 20 Europe and pick from the very best that the store has to offer, be it additional game time, some in-game items or even the special DLC you had your eye on for some time now.

Blizzard Balance
Every cent you will obtain via gift card will be added to your Blizzard Balance – a virtual wallet to be used on the goodies relating to their games. There are some restrictions, such as not being able to use your Balance to purchase gear (real-life items like plushies, mugs and so on), but any other virtual spending will be covered by this wallet, so buy Battle.net gift card 20 Europe and storm the online shop! No time like the present, and no store like Blizzard.

Selection will astound you
Blizzard can boast having games for any taste – and they are right! Want to experience a different WoW? Buy yourself a pet, a mount or both and stomp your enemy to the dust! Like team-shooters and want to spice up your gameplay for that extra kick? Spend your Balance on the loot boxes which will unlock items that are otherwise not available. Prefer to be the lonely hero and rely on no one but yourself? Buy Battle.net gift card 20 Europe, get yourself a new class and push your capabilities to the max.

These are but a few things you could gain after purchasing the gift card. From small microtransactions to larger expansions, you may spend your Balance on an array of items that will enhance your gameplay or increase enjoyment.

Surprise a friend
Gift cards – as the name might suggest – are a great option if you want to give your friend something unique and valuable. They will be able to get what they want, for the game they truly love. Simply buy Battle.net gift card 20 Europe, give them the code and you won’t have to play the guessing game if you picked out the correct item. The process is clear and easy and will improve their experience with a game of their choice. Everyone wins!


1. Log in to your account http://eu.battle.net
2. Click the button „Account“ and then choose "Games and Codes".
3. Enter the code that we sent to you and click "Redeem code"
(It is possible that you have to choose the account you want the code to be activated on)

Цена: 19.98 $.

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