Military Couples | When Both Spouses Are Service Members Military Couples | When Both Spouses Are Service Members
Дата публикации: 26.01.2025

Military Couples | When Both Spouses Are Service Members


Dating a service member is different than dating a civilian. But just how much different is it? Here are eight things to consider before jumping into a relationship with someone in uniform. Troops have to deploy, which means not having him or her around for important events like anniversaries, birthdays and weddings. If you’re a person that constantly needs their physical presence, dating a service member is probably the wrong choice.

It’s okay to be proud of your boyfriend or girlfriend serving in the military, but you can take it a bit too far.

Only one person in the dual military couple can receive the allowance. A dual military family that receives orders for each spouse is paid only once, to the highest-.

We’re going to be happy together. You’re the woman of my dreams. To make matters worse, she was recently laid off from her job as a financial analyst after 17 years with the same company. Her house is in foreclosure and she’s declared bankruptcy. That was when Ortiz-Rodeghero discovered a website called seniorpeoplemeet. Soon after, a man claiming to be an Army major general named Wayne Jackson contacted her.

He sent her a picture of a dashing, dark-haired man in fatigues. The man featured in the photo saw his image being used in online news reports and subsequently contacted ABCNews. The year military veteran, who retired last year, said his picture had been stolen from his former MySpace page. I don’t. Certainly not in this venue. In the scammer’s initial messages to Ortiz-Rodeghero, he reportedly said he was stationed in Iraq, but he claimed he was going to retire and come home to the United States.

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