8.9 Update 8.9 Update
Дата публикации:

8.9 Update


What Are Premium Tanks? The IS-6 is one of the most popular Tier 8 Premium tanks. Starting with the basics, Premium tanks are a tank in World of Tanks that must be purchased using real money. You can either purchase a Premium tank through the online store using your credit card or through the game using Gold, which is one of the best uses for Gold in the game.

Preferential Matchmaking Premium Vehicles Wargaming wants to completely remove preferential matchmaking. Lower Tier tanks with pref. MM will be done entirely differently. Ranked Battles and this was meant to solve the gold problem and return the armour to WoT.

I wrote that I have the hunch of World of Tanks being a rigged game, where via matchmaking, tinkering with penetration and probably hit chances and damage numbers the developers guarantee that everyone remains close to the average in terms of kills and wins, so no one quits either because of “too easy”, nor “im pwned by nolifers lol”. The title is misleading because I still don’t and can’t have a real proof.

What I have is something that very much correlate to my theory and has one alternative explanation only: My girlfriend and me started new accounts. The idea is that the Marder II has mm penetration, therefore it can penetrate everything it can face if the match is unrigged and even if its penetration is halved, still can penetrate everything but T5 heavy front armor.

Its gun dispersion is small and and the minimum shell damage is OK too. So the Marder II can ignore rigging and has the results that an unrigged match would provide. What results am I talking about? Yes, top 5 reached with a tank that can’t be stealth-nerfed. And the matches were weird too. They mostly started by tanks on our side dead in 3 minutes. They had no chance against the enemy average players due to decreased penetration, hit and damage.

Then the enemy started to die, since the remaining of our team besides AFK-ers, bots and leeches hiding in the corner were also good players who were placed to the team for a loss. I often saw awesome play, not just from my girlfriend and me, but from random teammates.

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